Tuesday 7 October 2014

A normal summer Monday in Fortaleza and my vegan meal plan

I had an appointment today to do my hair and it turned out all well. I have much lighter hair now and surprisingly, it complements my skin tone really well. I am really proud with myself since I strongly refused the tiniest urges within me to eat fast-food in uni. There are the days when Brazilian fast-food seem so tempting and delicious after a tiresome class. But today. No. Despite a friend devouring a huge Cheese Egg Bacon burger in front of me, I was pretty determined to get home and eat my latest addiction. Honestly, its a pretty good addiction considering that its vegan and all healthy. So its just brown rice with carioca beans.  Its been about 2 weeks and i'm still in love with it.

Before that, I had about 600ml of fresh squeezed orange juice and then about 5 medium bananas with passionfruit pulp. Happy to say, i'm addicted to these as well. I can't live without orange juice. It's my version of coffee. Nothing better to any morning then gulping down fresh vitamin rich juice, feeling all healthy and having a right start to the day. I then had brown rice with Carioca beans. This is a typical brazilian dish and I love it ! It's also vegan and gluten free so thats a plus.


Sunday 5 October 2014

All the way from the other side of the world

Oi from Brasil !

So, I Have made the big move to.... BRAZIL!! I moved here in the beginning of August for a year from Germany. I will be spending an amazing life-chainging year here in Fortaleza, Ceara. I have been so stoked for Brazil since it is tropical and this just makes be a million times easier to eat he way I like- and that is of course with an abundance of raw fruits and vegetables because what could be better.. right ? It's amazing the amount of fruit Brazil has and large variety of it. It is also much cheaper here than in Germany. It's also cheaper than Singapore so i'm gonna make the most out my year stuffing my face with delicious, delicious fruit.

I am going to be posting much more often now since it has finally dawned to me that I should use this experience to do what I have always wanted to do- write about my passion. Time flies like it always does and 2 months have come and gone by. It's October and though I think about autumn and winter so much, it ain't coming, not here at least. The Northeast part of the Brazil has 365 days of summer- I've just gotten too used to Brazil since a Singapore girl should feel right at home in this never ending heat right ?

I will be doing a month of serious dietary changes and that means a green smoothies everyday- to complement my commitment to the Simple Green Smoothie Challenge and also I will be combining this with Freelee's Raw Till 4 and tons of fresh detoxifying juice. Its also going to be the month I finally get back in the gym- come on SQUATS, I have been waiting too long! This may all seem like too much, but no- some challenge won't hurt. After all you know what they say, no pain, go gain ;)

Also, I have fallen in love, yes , fallen in love, with Sam Smith's amazing songs so here's the playlist.

Till tomorrow xx